Cross-Cutting Projects

Apart from the research, training and consultancy services as mentioned above for the specific focal areas of CREEC, the centre is also engaged in cross-cutting projects.

Beginning of 2011, CREEC finalized an energy study for Wildlife Conservation Society with regard to the use of renewable energy for institutions in Northern-Uganda to decrease deforestation in protected areas. A team of researchers visited parishes, schools and prisons in six specific areas, conducted a site survey and held a questionnaire with the people involved in energy, such as directors, cooks and accountants. A cost-benefit analysis and recommendations have been made for future implementation of energy saving technologies.

Another example of a cross-cutting project is the MSI project from a group of researchers of CEDAT. This project is financed by Uganda National Council for Science and Technology with funds from the World Bank and the Government of Uganda. A research program involving three PhDs focusing on GIS mapping, appropriate energy conversion technologies and business models is being executed with the implementation of four energy pilot plants (two bioenergy, one solar and one pico-hydro). CREEC is supporting the research team in technical design and implementation of the pilot plants and project management, such as budget control and reporting.


Currently, CREEC has made a deliberate choice of not going into biofuels (biodiesel and ethanol), solar thermal, wind power and renewable energy from municipal solid waste for two reasons: first of all the demand for these technologies is low or not even there and secondly the constraints in personnel capacity of the centre. However, when demand from clients and sustainable projects arise, CREEC most certainly will dedicate resources in the form of personnel, finances and time to these opportunities.