CREEC:Fighting climate change through film

Our dependence on fossil fuels is taking a toll on the natural systems that sustain us and our health. We need to make a shift in our cultural values to make a change. CREEC is using documentaries to bridge the gap between climate change problems and action steps for mitigation. The Centre under her BEFWAM project is documenting powerful stories on the topic of climate change. Film makes the concept of climate change easy to understand. As a result, more people will accept changes in lifestyle and will lobby others to do likewise.
This documentary is under our UK government funded BEFWAM project. It will also provide more impact on how anaerobic digesters are improving the livelihoods of communities and how resistance to change is being overcome by the project. We engaged a set of characters whose stories prove how access to energy can transform people’s lives. This filming took place for a period of two weeks starting 27th January 2020 to 10th February 2020. The characters came from communities like Ntoroko, Matugga, Soroti, Mbale, Ntinda and Kitintale
Our project is utilizing invasive weeds such as water hyacinth in combination with nutrient rich waste to improve the performance of biogas digesters. This will lead to the generation of clean water and energy for low income communities. This is through the development of innovative biotechnology solutions that promote resource efficiency and long-term sustainable services. We appreciate how the integration of more rooted technologies contribute to the creation and deliberation of climate change scenarios to enrich processes of future-thinking beyond climate model outputs. Our project is titled “Fertiliser and clean water from invasive aquatic macrophytes”. This a UK government funded Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) project.
Climate change is asking us to care about people we’ve never met and to fight for their happiness as well as our own. There are people who can’t wrap their heads around climate change because it’s “away”. The only way people can have a heartfelt conversation about this is when we bring the human element into it. This is why it is important to talk about real humans and their stories in our documentary. The documentary will be be debut on both local and international television channels. More dissemination will be done on open access platforms in both Africa and Europe.