CREEC was privileged to host the Kitchen Performance Test (KPT) workshop from 26th-28th of July with a theme “Promoting Clean and Efficient Cooking in the Developing World of Cook Stoves and Indoor Air”.
The three day workshop was organized by Berkely Air Monitoring Group, Winrock International and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) attracting national and international participation from organizations like African Alliance on Clean Cooking, Burn Manufacturing (Kenya), Centre for Integrated Research and Community Development Uganda (CIRCODU), ESIPPS International, Genesis Conservation Ideas (GCI), GIZ Uganda, and Ugastove among others.
Participants discussed topics that ranged from stove performance, KPT design and sample size calculations, questionnaire training, informed consent, data entry, management and analysis, emissions sampling and many others.
Some of the key objectives of convening this workshop was to understand the Importance of stove testing before and during dissemination, learn how the three International stove testing Protocol work and how to test the stoves.
During the presentation session where organizations presented their products, CREEC’s bioenergy department gave a brief note about the Centre and our biomass research Centre presenting some of the stove testing services offers. In addition, the marketing manager of the MWOTO stove campaign took participants through design technology of MWOTO stove and how it works.
The team also toured CREEC premises where they got a better idea about what services the Centre offers. They visited the solar PV laboratory, where solar testing services and other research in solar PV is carried, the Biomass Research Centre where stove testing services are done and pico-hydro equipment like the test rig in the lab.
CREEC is grateful to all participants and organizers for making this workshop a success.