Starting 6th – 10th August, 2018 CREEC participated in the highly anticipated Kampala Knowledge week. The event which featured a Knowledge Management training was facilitated by Knowledge Management Academy-Austria. CREEC as a knowledge hub has implemented over 50 projects in the last 10 years alone dealing with different renewable energy technologies and the centre continues to also provide support to renewable energy companies through business development trainings, technical trainings, project implementation, consultancy, baseline studies and further support to renewable energy companies through collaboration and at the heart of all this is knowledge transfer.

Knowledge management training participants posing for a picture at the start of Kampala Knowledge week

The training was a great learning experience for the three participants of CREEC to identify what kind of knowledge the centre has to offer who needs it and how the centre can disseminate that knowledge. The practical sessions were exceptionally engaging as participants engaged in evaluation activities that could help them assess their performance as individuals as well as the overall performance of their organizations.

And on 8th August 2018, CREEC also joined over 80 other individuals to participate in the first Knowledge city partnership conference that was characterized by high level dignitaries from the Austrian Development Agency, members of the private sector and National Planning Authority represented by Mr Kinyera Sam, board member of the Uganda National Planning Authority, who officially opened the conference. Prof. Sam highlighted the relevance of knowledge in national planning and the development of Uganda. He expressed NPA´s full consent and support of the ideas of K4DP by signing the first K4D Partnership Declaration, thereby officially launching K4DP in Uganda. With new members coming on board, CREEC had an opportunity to speak to the new partners being one of the first companies to become a knowledge city partner in Uganda.

Ms Ajambo Flavia the public relations officer gave a speech encouraging the new partners to embrace the network of knowledge sharing and for the companies to play an active role in contributing knowledge to the development of the different sectors in Uganda. By the end of the training, three CREEC staff were awarded certificates for participating in the training and the trainees have since shared the lessons from the training in a short training course at the centre. This was to ensure that the appreciation of knowledge management can be extended to other members at CREEC.

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